Book 35 x 35 Art France Project, by Copelouzos Family Art Museum (Greece)

17/01/2024MEDIAS, NEWS

Copelouzos Family Art Museum, Athènes, Grèce, livre "35 x 35 Art France Project"

Posté le 17. 01. 2024, par Isabelle Pelletane.

En 2022, je participai au "35 x 35 Art France Project" : un projet artistique initié par le «Copelouzos Family Art Museum» afin de soutenir les artistes.
L'œuvre "Just Love" (35 x 35 cm) réalisée pour ce projet, est depuis exposée dans la Collection permanente du Copelouzos Family Art Museum à Athènes, en Grèce.
Voici le livre édité par le musée qui retrace cette belle aventure.
Encore un grand merci à la famille Copelouzos, pour cette action et leur soutien aux artistes ! 🙏❤️

Copelouzos Family Art Museum, Athens, Greece, book "35 x 35 Art France Project"

Posted on 17. 01. 2024, by Isabelle Pelletane.

In 2022, I took part in the "35 x 35 Art France Project": an art project initiated by the Copelouzos Family Art Museum to support artists.

The work "Just Love" (35 x 35 cm) created for this project has since been exhibited in the permanent collection of the Copelouzos Family Art Museum in Athens, Greece.

Here's the book published by the museum that recounts this wonderful adventure.
Once again, many thanks to the Copelouzos family for this initiative and their support for the artists ! 🙏💕

Copelouzos Family Art Museum
Copelouzos Family Art Museum